Pruning Trees and Shrubs

  • Pruners making cut
It's Pruning Season
Check out our 2024 Pruning Demonstrations

The UNH Extension Fruit and Vegetable Team offers pruning demonstrations to the public each spring. The focus of these demos is typically on tree fruit and small fruit, like blueberries, but each event will highlight a different mix of crops based on what is grown at the demonstration host's site. These demonstrations are produced by UNH Extension's production agriculture team.



Learn proven tips and solutions for pruning  Read article


Monthly Proven Tips and Solutions for Granite State Gardeners
Spring bulbs may start appearing earlier than expected if the soil is bare and the temperatures are warmer than usual. Learn More
Forester Greg Jordan joins for part 2 on trees, pruning and problems
A podcast episode with a continuing conversation on trees. Learn More
Specialist Emma Erler Answers Questions About Pruning Trees and Shrubs
Specialist Emma Erler Answers Real Questions About Pruning Trees and Shrubs Learn More
A Question of the Week
A Question of the Week Learn More
With the January thaw my husband and I had an opportunity to get a good start on the annual winter chore of pruning our small apple orchard. Pruning c... Learn More
What is the most important thing you need to remember when pruning your fruit trees and bushes? The one thing you should most of all not forget? It is... Learn More
Tips for pruning fruiting plants including apples trees and blueberry bushes
Tips for pruning fruiting plants including apples trees and blueberry bushes Learn More
When it comes to pruning, there is nothing better than having a well maintained pair of pruners with a nice sharp blade. Quality pruners should last f... Learn More





Pruning Information from our Forestry Information Center

Pruning for the home or commercial agriculture production is slightly different than pruning done for forest management. Here is some recommendations from our foresters. 

  • person trimming a tree from a house

Pruning Storm Damaged Trees

Tips for caring for damaged trees. Learn More

  • Chainsaw cutting into a branch

Large Tree Pruning and Care

Recommendations for caring for large trees with storm damage.  Learn More

These two articles were adapted from the Nebraska Forest Service  Storm Damage Trees series with permission.  


Fruit & Vegetable Production Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Fruit & Vegetable Production
Phone: (603) 255-3556
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824