Olivia Saunders

Olivia Saunders (She/Her/Hers)

Extension Field Specialist, Fruit & Vegetable Production
Fruit & Vegetable Production Field Specialist
Phone: (603) 447-3834
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824
Pronouns: She/her/hers

Olivia Saunders is a Field Specialist in Fruit & Vegetable Production, in the UNH Cooperative Extension Food & Agriculture Program. Olivia is also the SARE Professional Development Program Coordinator at the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension. She has been with UNH Extension since 2013 and in her role as SARE coordinator since 2017.

Olivia works directly with vegetable, tree fruit and small fruit farmers in NH on issues such as soil fertility management, pest identification, cover cropping, organic production and challenges associated with new and beginning farming. Olivia Manages the Soil Testing program and the Master Gardener program in Carroll County. Olivia also promotes sustainable beekeeping practices to NH’s beekeeping community.

Olivia received her B.S. in Environmental Studies from UNH, and her M.S. in Soil Science from Washington State University.

See the fruit & vegetable production team recorded educational videos

Local food system advocacy and support for farmers in Carroll County: https://mwveg.com/#

Taking Care of your Mental Health - Tips for Farmers

How Local Farms are Battling The Changing Weather, MW VIBE Magazine, Spring 2020