New Hampshire is home to a diverse array of pollinators, from charismatic bumble bees to unheralded wasps, flies and beetles. Declines of insects, native bees, and birds are well documented, and habitat loss is a significant driver of those declines. UNH Extension staff and New Hampshire Master Gardener volunteers, along with community groups and concerned residents, have been taking action to protect pollinators by planting pollinator-friendly gardens and providing education for the gardening public.
Now, through a partnership with UMaine Extension, New Hampshire gardeners and landowners like you now have the opportunity to certify your gardens or property as “pollinator-friendly”, both helping you ensure you are providing for the needs of pollinators but also to help spread the word about the importance of pollinators and how others can join this effort.
Our partners at UMaine Extension provide a 4-step process that will help you review and prepare your garden and property for the application requirements. Then you will be invited to complete the application, with a $20 application fee, and if your garden is approved, you will receive a certificate verifying your garden’s pollinator friendly status. You will also be eligible to purchase a UNH Extension Pollinator-Friendly Garden sign for $35.
Visit UMaine Extension’s Pollinator Garden Certification page to get started.