Manure Management with Bedded Packs


Brookfield Farm
460 Old Drewsville Rd
Walpole, NH 03608
United States

Bedded packs can be a lower-cost option for livestock housing, but they require careful management to work well. We’ll discuss health considerations, proper design, and maintenance. We’ll also cover manure management, a brief overview of the composting process, and the importance of calculating and applying agronomic rates. Chris and Holly Gowdy will provide a demonstration of the spreader they recently acquired to apply manure from their bedded pack barn.

Registration is not required but appreciated.  Event will be held rain or shine.

For persons with disabilities requiring special accommodation, please contact  Carl Majewski 603-352-4550  prior to the event. Given ample time, we will make any reasonable effort to make accommodations


Manure management