Mock Oral Board Trainings: Turf


Mock Oral Board Supervisory Training is a simulated exercise designed to prepare pesticide applicators who attended the pesticide trainings for the real-life NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food, Division of Pesticide Control oral examinations. In this activity, individuals will be placed in a mock interview situation where they are asked questions or given scenarios relevant to their field or area of expertise by other students.

The activity will involve a panel of participants who will act as interviewers, posing questions, and providing feedback on the participant's responses. Participants are expected to demonstrate their knowledge, critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and communication proficiency during the exercise.

The purpose of this training activity is to help participants gain confidence, refine their communication skills, and improve their ability to think on their feet in high-pressure situations. By participating in this mock oral board training, you can identify areas for improvement, learn from your mistakes, and enhance your performance before taking part in the real oral boards.