Rachel Maccini

Rachel Maccini

Extension Field Specialist, Pesticide Safety Education
Phone: (603) 351-3831
Office: UNHCE Education Center, 88 Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101

Rachel Maccini is the Pesticide Safety Education Program, Coordinator. Her primary responsibilities are to coordinate and deliver pesticide safety education to licensed and non-licensed pesticide applicators statewide. She has created and manages an online education system for licensed applicators to earn recertification credits and has been a part of extension and education for the past 13 years.

Rachel uses her entomology skills to help identify insects and/or arthropods that are sent into the Education Center. Identifying these pests is often the crucial first step towards solving a problem and providing safe controls and/or treatment. She also assists with the Master Gardener training through her teaching of Entomology, IPM and other related topics.

Prior to joining UNH Cooperative Extension, Rachel worked as an Entomologist I for the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food. Her responsibilities included providing support, education and annual plant inspections to growers throughout the state.