Conserving Your Land: Options for NH Landowners


Hampton Recreation Center
38 Park Avenue
Hampton, NH 03842
United States

Join us to learn about the diverse options for conserving your land!

Our community’s open spaces provide us with recreational access, scenic landscapes, improved water quality, wildlife habitat, support our local economies and improve our quality of life. While communities benefit from these natural open spaces, it requires the participation of individual landowners to ensure long-term protection. This introductory workshop is designed for landowners and community members interested in learning more about what it means to conserve your land. A panel of presenters will share their experiences and perspectives on conservation approaches and guidance on initiating the process.

Speakers include:

Sara Callaghan, Community Conservation Field Specialist, UNH Cooperative Extension

Rayann Dionne, Executive Director/Project Lead, Seabrook-Hamptons Estuary Alliance

Alice Tonry, Easement Landowner, Tonry Christmas Tree Farm, Hampton Falls, NH

Lori Sommer, Coastal Watershed Land Conservation Manager, Southeast Land Trust of NH

This workshop is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is requested but not required, to better estimate food and materials.

Weather Cancellation: If this workshop needs to be cancelled or postponed due to weather, a notification will be posted on the Town of Hampton website by 1:00 on February 18th. In addition, an email notification will be sent to those who pre-register.

Hosted by: Town of Hampton Conservation Commission

salt marsh
  • If you need an accommodation to participate in our programming, please contact Sara Callaghan at or (603)862-2990 prior to the event. Given ample time, we will make any reasonable effort to meet your needs, including language access services if requested, which will be provided free of charge.