CREATE Better Health

Online Only

Staff Training for NH Food Pantries

Informational Session


  1. Register and participate in our scheduled Staff Training for NH Food Pantries to learn more about the CREATE Better Health - Staff Virtual Information Session Training. (See flyer link).
  2. Heidi Barker, UNH Extension Food Access Lead, will share the benefits of the CREATE Better Health course sponsored by Utah State University Extension. A registration link will also be provided for food pantry staff interested in completing the course.
  3. Complete virtual sessions - CREATE Better Health - Online Training Program for Food Pantries. (See flyer link.)
  4. Join Heidi again for a check in with other state pantry sites to learn more about healthy food pantry resources and ways to create healthier environments.
  5. Upon successfully completing the series your food pantry site will become a Designated UNH Extension Food Pantry Champion.
  6. Zoom link will be provided once you register.