Online Only
Staff Training for NH Food Pantries
Informational Session
- Register and participate in our scheduled Staff Training for NH Food Pantries to learn more about the CREATE Better Health - Staff Virtual Information Session Training. (See flyer link).
- Heidi Barker, UNH Extension Food Access Lead, will share the benefits of the CREATE Better Health course sponsored by Utah State University Extension. A registration link will also be provided for food pantry staff interested in completing the course.
- Complete virtual sessions - CREATE Better Health - Online Training Program for Food Pantries. (See flyer link.)
- Join Heidi again for a check in with other state pantry sites to learn more about healthy food pantry resources and ways to create healthier environments.
- Upon successfully completing the series your food pantry site will become a Designated UNH Extension Food Pantry Champion.
- Zoom link will be provided once you register.