NH 4-H Community Classifieds

Welcome to the NH 4-H Community Classifieds page! We have developed this resource to help our community share resources throughout our 4-H program and beyond.

As a way to keep our communities connected and potentially fill a need, the NH 4-H team has created this page for our Virtual Community Center. Looking for a place to get rid of some craft supplies or possibly post an animal for lease? In need of some help with an upcoming club project and hoping to find a volunteer with a special talent or skill? The Classifieds page is open to all 4-H community members hoping to find or provide resources for other members.

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Free Materials or Supplies

50 Egg Cartons

egg cartons

We have 50 used egg cartons in good condition. Can be used for a craft project, planting seeds in or a 4-H poultry project. If interested contact Sheri Warburton in Merrimack County by email or phone at 603-715-6644.

Lots of Craft Supplies

craft supplies

I have a lot of craft type supplies. Before you buy, ask me if I have it! Contact Pattie Davis in Rockingham County via email.

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Seeking Supplies

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Help Wanted

Volunteers needed for short-term projects

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Help Available

Offer your skills, talents, or time to 4-H programs

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Animals for Lease or Donation

Two Black Australorp Roosters Needing New Home


1-2 Black Australorp Roosters available to a good home. They were born April of 2020 and I’ve raised them from chicks. They are too dominating for my flock and are hurting my girls. Please reach out if able to help!!! If you can help, contact Elizabeth Spitzer at 603-512-5281 or via email

Rhode Island Red Rooster

rhode island red rooster

[Hillsborough County] One Rhode Island Red rooster, 6 months old. Need to find a home. If you are interested, email Donna.

Two One-year-old Hens

two hens

[Cheshire County] Two sweet one-year old hens, a Light Brahma and a Buff Orpington. Both very healthy, well fed and good layers. FREE with small coop (good for up to 6 chickens, you take away), including other supplies such as feeder, waterer, and heater, all to an eager beginner! Fence in picture not included. If you are interested, contact Julia Kerr at 215-630-3413 or via email.

Two Friendly Roosters

two roosters

[Merrimack County] We ended up with 2 roosters out of 6 pullets from TSC, free to good home. They are friendly for roosters, they let us pick them up easily, 8 to 9 weeks old. Feel free to reach out for more pictures. If you are interested, contact Justin Lavallee via email.

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4-H Community Events

Fundraisers, club events, etc.

4-H Mask Fundraiser

4-H masks

Lynn Garland is sewing 4-H masks as a fundraiser for the Rockingham County 4-H Foundation. A donation of $10 (or more) will be rewarded with a stylish handcrafted mask which can be customized to your size and favorite 4-H project area. All money raised goes to help fund Rockingham 4-H programs and scholarships. To order, complete a 4-H Mask Order Form.

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State 4-H Leader/4-H Youth Development State Specialist
Extension PTL 4-H Youth Development and Education
Phone: (603) 862-4544
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824