Headshot of Kate Bruchacova

Kate Bruchacova

Health & Well-Being Teacher
Nutrition Connections, Extension Teacher
Phone: (603) 397-3205
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension Youth and Family, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Kate Bruchacova has joined UNH Extension in Belknap County in 2022 as a Nutrition Connections Teacher after spending past ten years as a Community Health Educator for public health. Prior to that, she had worked in the hospitality industry. She enjoys working in the community with a hope to improve the health of the most vulnerable populations and so boost the overall health outcomes and social well-being.

Outside of work, Kate is an avid runner, hiker and most importantly a mom. During the winter Kate volunteers with the Lakes Region Adaptive Sports and all year round with the Lakes Region Medical Reserve Corps & Lakes Region Community Response Team.