Wade Weber headshot

Wade Weber

Extension State Specialist, 4-H Positive Youth Development
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Physical Address

Kendall Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Wade M. Weber is an Extension Field Specialist in Positive Youth Development. Prior to his service at UNH, he served most recently as Assistant Dean in the Office of Student Life (2022), and Department Head for 4-H Youth Development (2017) at Kansas State University. Weber previously at Iowa State University as a Youth Development Specialist & Team Leader (2010).

Throughout his career, Wade has sought to support youth in their development through involvement in creating thriving communities of learning and service. For 27 years, he has grown authentic community engagement that grows resiliency & empowers healthy identity formation in youth.


  • M.S., Counseling and Student Development, Kansas State University