Yard and Garden Infoline
Master Gardeners and Natural Resources Steward Volunteers
Phone: 1-877-EXT-GROW (1-877-398-4769)
The Infoline is a free service of Extension that connects home gardeners with Master Gardener and Natural Resources Stewards volunteers. With us you get answers backed by the full resources and expertise of UNH Extension, any way you want, from New Hampshire residents like you.
Ask Questions, Get Ideas
Staff experts, Master Gardeners and Natural Resource Stewards connect you with the resources of the University of New Hampshire.
Scale Insects [fact sheet]
Powdery Mildew [fact sheet]
10 Easy Steps to Prevent Common Garden Diseases [fact sheet]
Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite [fact sheet]
Managing Voles in New Hampshire Orchards and Highbush Blueberries [fact sheet]
Beneficial Insects in New Hampshire Farms & Gardens [fact sheet]
Pesky Winter Critters [fact sheet]
Garden Mulches [fact sheet]
Lead Screening for NH Soils: Minimizing Health Risks [fact sheet]
Care of Flowering Gift Plants in the Home [fact sheet]