Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Training Materials and Recipes

Resource Category
Nibbles for Health: Nutrition Newsletters for Parents of Young Children
USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative is pleased to announce the availability of Nibbles for Health newsletters for use by childcare providers participatin...
CACFP Training Tools
CACFP has resources and publications that will help you put together great tasting, nutritious meals and snacks that children will enjoy.<br /> <br /...
Health & Well-Being, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays Training Webinars
Join Team Nutrition for monthly training webinars on hot topics related to the CACFP Meal Pattern requirements. Webinars are presented on the third Th...
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood