Rockingham County 4-H Scholarships

Rockingham County 4-H Foundation Continuing Education Scholarships Available to Rockingham County 4-H Members and Alumni

Scholarship applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Applications received prior to July 31 will be considered for the current year's scholarships. High school seniors and post-grads may apply.

Apply for College Scholarships

Beth Bourne Memorial 4-H Scholarship ($500)

The Beth Bourne Memorial 4-H Scholarship recognizes outstanding leadership and service in 4-H and beyond, influencing others to also develop their Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to better living. Multiple scholarships may be presented in a year.

This scholarship is in memory of Beth Bourne, who served for 43 years as the Rockingham County 4-H Agent, involving thousands of youth and adults in 4-H projects and programs. Her leadership included starting the very first NH 4-H camp. After retiring, Beth continued volunteering for 4-H in Massachusetts until her death in 1999. Her life exemplified service to others and influenced youth and volunteers to develop their Head, Heart, Hands and Health to better living. Beth was a true 4-H leader and spent much of her time, resources, and energy working to support 4-H youth, volunteers, and programs.

Dwight Brown Memorial 4-H Scholarship ($500)

The Dwight Brown Memorial 4-H Scholarship recognizes a member or alumni who exhibits kindness, responsibility for him/herself and others, and through 4-H participation has encouraged others to join and share in 4-H lessons of outstanding service, generosity, and leadership in the community. Preference will be given for an individual whose education and future focuses on agriculture or agri-business, although this is not required.

This scholarship is a living tribute to the personal spirit emulating solid values, commitment to good citizenship, community service, and dedication to 4-H. Dwight’s life focused around agriculture and strong family values from working on his grandfather’s farm in Epping, NH, to 33 years in the agriculture and farm machinery business. A childhood member of 4-H, and the funder of the first Rockingham County 4-H College Scholarship, Dwight consistently promoted 4-H through his actions, thoughts, and deeds.

Karen Morton Memorial 4-H Scholarship ($500)

The Karen Morton Memorial 4-H Scholarship recognizes a Rockingham County 4-H member or alumnus who continuously shows good sportsmanship and outstanding service to fellow 4-H members. The field of study for applicants must be related to equine science.

This scholarship sustains the memory of Karen Morton who died on July 25, 1997, as a result of an automobile accident. Karen was a sophomore in equestrian studies at UNH and an active alumnus in Rockingham County 4-H programs. She spent her 4-H years involved in the horse program as a member of the Plaistow Unicorns and then the Kingston Star Blazers 4-H Club. Her dedicated leadership and willingness to always be of help to others were important dimensions in Karen’s life. She was selected for many sportsmanship trophies, county medals of honor, the Beth Bourne Memorial 4-H Scholarship, and outstanding 4-H Agriculture and Natural Resource project member. She was selected for the National 4-H Horse Judging Team to represent NH 4-H in Louisville, KY.

Nelson and Hilda Barker Memorial 4-H Scholarship ($250 - $500)

The Nelson and Hilda Barker Memorial 4-H Scholarship recognizes a youth or alumni who participated in 4-H programs at Stratham Fair for three or more years as part of their involvement in Rockingham County 4-H programs. Preference will be given to a Stratham resident 4-H member or alumnus, and to those majoring in agriculture, family consumer sciences, natural resources, conservation, or forestry.

This scholarship honors Nelson Barker, who served 22 years as the Treasurer of Stratham Fair, and his wife, Hilda. Both were strong 4-H supporters. Nelson was a Rockingham County 4-H alumnus with over ten years of 4-H membership, and Hilda was a volunteer leader of the Bachelor Girls 4-H Club in Stratham. Upon his retirement, Nelson requested this scholarship be established in order to recognize the achievements of 4-H youth that he saw at the Fair and to help assist them with education to prepare them for a better future. The Barker Memorial 4-H Scholarship funds are included in the Town of Stratham Trust Funds.

Lynn Garland Legacy 4-H Scholarship ($500)

The Lynn Garland Legacy 4-H Scholarship was created upon Lynn’s retirement as a way to support the higher education goals of those who have completed five or more years of active membership in Rockingham County 4-H programs. This scholarship recognizes outstanding participation, leadership, and service to 4-H and to the community and honors the importance of being a positive role model encouraging others to develop their potentials and to be their best selves. This scholarship may be awarded to more than one recipient each year.

This scholarship honors Lynn Garland, who served 39 years as Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, in Rockingham County from 1969-2008. In addition to serving as a 4-H professional, she has also served as a 4-H leader both in Maryland while in college and in all her years living in NH. As a positive role model to millions, Lynn encourages youth and volunteers to “Be your own self at your very best all the time” and to help others with an “I’ll be glad to” attitude while developing their Head, Heart, Hands, and Health to better living. Lynn continues to be involved with many 4-H programs across NH while providing continued leadership to the next 4-H generations. In 2018, Lynn Garland was one of 15 people in the USA inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame.

21st Century Alumni Achievement Scholarship ($500 - $1,000)

The 21st Century Alumni Achievement Scholarship recognizes outstanding dedication and returned service to 4-H and the community. Applicants must have completed five or more years of active membership in Rockingham County 4-H and be enrolled in the third or fourth year of a four-year collegiate program, or in a master’s or doctorate program. This scholarship may be earned more than once by a 4-H alumnus.

The 21st Century Alumni Achievement Scholarship was created during the 4-H centennial year (2016) to recognize truly outstanding 4-H alumni who submit high-quality applications. This scholarship focuses on assisting those in their final years of college or working towards advanced degrees. The applicant must have been involved in a variety of 4-H programs and demonstrated positive character, citizenship, and leadership in 4-H and in their community. This scholarship honors alumni who, by example, encouraged others to join 4-H and helped others to develop their potentials and become more involved in 4-H. This scholarship can vary in amount of the award and is given when there is truly an outstanding applicant with a high-quality application packet.

Apply for College Scholarships

Dare Mighty Things Award Nomination Scholarship 

The Dare Mighty Things Scholarship is a celebration of an older 4-H member who is moving on from the program. It is an award celebrating their achievements as a 4-H member while challenging the recipient to be a leader and to take risks as s/he moves into the next stage of his/her life. The award gets its name from a famous quote from a former U.S. President:

“Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Download Dare Mighty Things Nomination Form

Event Scholarships

4-H Camp Scholarship: Each year, the Foundation supports 4-H members in Rockingham County interested in attending 4-H Camp. Contact the 4-H office to request a camp scholarship application

4-H Teen Conference Scholarship:  Each year, the Foundation supports 4-H members in Rockingham County interested in attending the New Hampshire 4-H Teen Conference.
