Jessica Sprague, formerly with UNH Cooperative Extension's FSMA team, created a series of 6 brief videos intended to help food businesses and food processors determine whether or not the Preventive Controls Rule of FSMA applies to their business.
Part One - Introduction
Part Two - Farm Definition
Part Three - Size Qualifications
Part Four - Hazard Analysis and Risk Based Preventive Controls
Part Five - Current Good Manufacturing
Part Six - Compliance Dates
The videos refer the viewer to the following resources for further information:
- Select Definitions of terms used in Preventive Controls Rule
- Low Risk Manufacturing Processing Activities
In addition to these videos we strongly recommend you also use the following alternative tools. All three tools are intended to be used together. If you do not recieve the same answers from all three tools about where your business falls under the rules, please contact a member of the FSMA team.
Does the Preventive Controls Rule Apply to You?: An online survey tool that asks a series of questions about your business, and based on your answers, tells you if and where your business most likely falls under the rule.
Am I affected by new Food Safety Rules? A Flowchart for Farmers and Food Businesses: A flowchart, provided by the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, to help farms and food businesses determine whether and to what extent they might be impacted by FSMA rules. (Scroll down to page 4 for the section on Preventive Controls).