Ignite by 4-H: Agri-Science Summit

  • 4-Her harvesting greens

Ignite by 4-H: Agri-Science Summit provides an opportunity for high school students from around the country to develop the skills and knowledge needed to address the challenges facing agriculture, food security, and sustainability. Participants will work with each other and experts in the agricultural community in a collaborative, hands-on educational setting to dive deep into some of the most common topics of today. NH delegates will create an action plan, tackling an agricultural issue in the state to bring back and execute when they come home. To learn more visit Ignite by 4-H.

Trip dates: March 13-17, 2024

Application due: December 6, 2023

Info you Need to Know

Participants will work with each other and with experts in the agricultural community in a collaborative, hands-on educational setting to dive deep into some of the most common topics of today.

Applications are due December 6, 2023. Download the application packet here!

Submit an application checklist, a cover letter, a resume and a 2-3 minute video sharing why you would like to go to Ignite by 4-H to Hannah Majewski, 4-H Program Manager (hannah.majewski@unh.edu).


Open to all enrolled NH 4-H members in grades 9-12.  Preference will be given to those in grades 9-11. 

Delegates must be willing to fully develop and execute the “Action Plan” that is decided upon at the summit by the delegation.

Chosen participants will travel with 4-H advisors from New Hampshire.  All trip logistics will be handled by the NH 4-H State office from airport to lodging and return.  Participants will be responsible for transportation to and from the airport, as well as any meals outside of meals provided at the conference. 

There is a $300 Family Contribution required for all National Award trip attendees but this is not intended to be a barrier for participation. Please contact us should this fee present a challenge.
