This form is intended to be used by forest landowners who want to develop a forest stewardship plan. Your forest stewardship plan considers the natural resources on your property and your goals and objectives.
Filling out this form will help clarify your desires for your land and will provide your forester the information needed to develop a long term plan to help you realize your goals. Fill this out before or during a meeting with your forester. Contact your county forester to set up a woodlot visit today!
Landowner Goals and Objectives (short version)
Your Forest Stewardship Plan considers the natural resources on your property and your goals and objectives. Fill this out before or during a meeting with your forester. Rank the values you place on your forest either high (H), medium (M), low (L), not interested (NI), not applicable (NA), or don’t know (DK).
- _____ Maintaining habitat for a variety of plants and animals
- _____ Maintaining habitat for specific wildlife (specify) _______________________________
- _____ Protecting rare and endangered plant and animal species or unique natural communities
- _____ Managing the forest for periodic income from:
- Logs, fuelwood, pulpwood_____
- Maple sugaring_____
- Christmas trees_____
- Trees and shrubs for landscaping_____
- recreation_____
- Other_____
- _____Providing recreation for your family:
- Cross-country skiing_____
- Snowmobiling_____
- Hunting_____
- Hiking/walking_____
- Nature viewing_____
- Mountain biking_____
- Off-road vehicles____
- Other__________________________
- _____Providing recreation for others:
- (specify types allowed)______________________
- _____Limiting the use by others
- _____ Protecting water quality
- _____ Preventing soil erosion
- _____ Protecting wetlands
- _____ Maintaining a healthy forest
- _____ Peace & solitude
- _____ Scenery (views, special trees, rock formation, special areas, etc.)
- _____ Cutting fuelwood for personal use
- _____ Protecting historic sites (stonewalls, old foundations, etc.)
- _____ Working in the forest.
- Describe the time, experience and equipment you have to work in your forest:_____________
- _____ Becoming/staying a certified Tree Farm
- _____ Enrolling/maintaining current use property tax assessment
- _____ Developing an estate plan
- _____ Protecting from development
- _____ Considering a conservation easement or other permanent land protection
- _____ Developing or maintaining access roads
Other values:
Comments on the most important values that you place on your land:
Comments on your goals and objectives for the property:
What would you like your land to be and look like in twenty years?
What activities have you conducted on your land to achieve your goals?
What factors have limited you from achieving your goals?
What assistance do you need to help you reach your goals?
UNH Cooperative Extension programs and policies are consistent with pertinent Federal and State laws and regulations on non-discrimination regarding age, color, handicap, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran’s status. College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, County Governments, NH Division of Forests and Lands, Department of Resources and Economic Development, NH Fish and Game Department, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services cooperating.
Revised February 2007