Opioid Prevention Resources

This list includes contact information for both national and New Hampshire opioid misuse prevention resources. 

NH Based:

The Partnership 

The Partnership @drugfreeNH (The Partnership) is a trusted resource for NH and provides prevention connections, information and resources for You, for Schools, for Families, for Young Adults and for Healthcare Professionals.

The Doorway

The Doorway is a new program that is changing how New Hampshire helps people with an opioid use disorder (OUD) or other substance use disorders (SUD). There are nine Doorway locations, providing single points of entry for people seeking help for substance use, whether they need treatment, support, or resources for prevention and awareness. The regional Doorways ensure that help is always less than an hour away.

Life of an Athlete 

New Hampshire (NH) Life of an Athlete (LoA) is implemented through the NH Interscholastic Athletic Association (NHIAA) with support from the thirteen Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Services Substance Misuse Prevention Networks. NH LoA is a comprehensive prevention program which uses the intrinsic value of athletics to empower and motivate students to drive a cultural shift related to Alcohol and other Drugs (ATOD) in their communities.  

Rali NH 

The Rx Abuse Leadership Initiative (RALI) of New Hampshire supports programs that prevent the misuse of prescription medicines so that more lives can be saved from the opioid crisis. We do this by bringing together community leaders and elected officials who are committed to finding effective solutions and sharing ideas that will make a difference across our state. 

Reality Check 

MISSION:  Holistically reduce drug and alcohol use, addiction, and overdose, and the related social and economic costs to youth, adults, families, and businesses by providing comprehensive addiction services. 

New Hampshire Regional Public Health Networks 

The goal of the New Hampshire Regional Public Health Networks is for all New Hampshire residents to be healthy and safe. Currently, there are 13 Regional Public Health Networks statewide, each serving a defined Public Health Region. The 13 RPHNs include all of New Hampshire’s cities and towns. 

National & Other:

Remove the Risk Campaign

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) educational campaign titled Remove the Risk is a great tool to implement in your community. This campaign offers a toolkit that aims to help reduce unnecessary exposure to opioids and prevent new addiction. It focuses on showcasing the important role adults can play by removing and properly disposing of unused prescription opioids from our homes.

Generation Rx

Generation Rx provides educational resources for people of all ages within your community, to help prevent the misuse of prescription medications.

Up & Away 

Families take medicines and vitamins to feel well or stay well. Any medicine or vitamin can be dangerous if taken in the wrong way or by the wrong person, even medicine you buy without a prescription (known as over-the-counter medicines). Up and Away and Out of Sight is an educational program to remind families about the importance of safe medicine storage. It is an initiative of PROTECT, in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Consumer Healthcare Products Association Educational Foundation and the below organizations. 

Plan Against Pain 

Plan Against Pain, Choices Matter is a national movement designed to educate and empower patients to have proactive discussions with their clinicians about available non-opioid options for managing postsurgical pain. 

Starts with One 

The Starts with One campaign is designed to inform and educate young adults, their parents, and older adults about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and the importance of safe storage, use, and disposal. This campaign is funded by the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA). 

Over the Dose 

Over The Dose informs Vermont about the potential risks of using opioids not as prescribed. 


Health & Well-Being Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Health & Well-Being
Phone: (603) 255-3556 ext. 809
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824