*The office address listed at the top is the administrative mailing address.
- Merrimack County Extension Office, 315 Daniel Webster Highway, Boscawen, NH 03303
Office: 603-255-3556
Direct Line: 603-255-3716
Melissa joined our team in 2019, bringing with her both passion and expertise in advancing community and individual health. Melissa graduated from Plymouth State University with a BS in Health Education and an M. Ed in Adult Education and Development. She worked for many years immersed in community health initiatives in the Lakes Region of NH, developing and leading community coalitions, facilitating evidence based workshops, and creating strategic partnerships among community organizations. Melissa is passionate about creating healthy environments and systems change to bring about improved health and quality of life.
Melissa is a Certified Prevention Specialist (CPS) in NH and was awarded the NH CPS of the Year Award in June of 2023 for her efforts in community substance misuse prevention. She is the Project Director for the NH Opioid Prevention Project and the NH Community First Responder Program, SAMHSA Rural Opioid Technical Assistance funded initiatives that have brought important prevention and harm reduction resources to NH communities. Melissa is also Co-Director of the Building Community Resilience Project, a cross Extension team project focused on helping rural communities thrive in light of challenges brought on by COVID-19. She provides technical assistance to NH coalitions on implementation of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SAMHSA) and the Well-Connected Communities Change Cycle. Melissa also brings knowledge and experience to Extension gained from her work at the NH DOE, Bureau of Student Wellness on working with NH schools and communities to implement a systems approach that supports students behavioral health and wellness needs. She is an instructor in Mental Health First Aid and Youth Mental Health First Aid and is a Master Trainer and program leader for the evidence based Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP).
In addition to Melissa’s role on the Health & Well-being Program team, she also serves as the County Office Administrator for the Merrimack County Extension Office.