Resource List, Great Volunteer Getaway 2021

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Plant ID

Go Botany
Online plant key for New England flora with vivid photographs. Provides a platform to share your own plant photographs with expert botanists.

Online nature app for naturalists and citizen scientists to document and share observations of the natural world.

Northern Forest Atlases
Digital atlases for woody plants, mosses and sedges of the northern forests. Also available as field guides for purchase.

Bird ID

All About Birds
Comprehensive online guide covering birds of North America, ornithology workshops, tips for enjoying birds and more.

Merlin app
Phone app with bird descriptions, sounds and behavioral information, provided by Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

The Feather Atlas
An image database dedicated to ID and study of flight feathers of North American birds.

Tree ID

Electronic field guides to help identify tree species from photos of their leaves.

Woody Plants of the Northern Forest: A Photographic Guide by Jerry Jenkins
An essential companion guide with beautiful photography.

Trails  & Recreation

AMC’s Best Day Hikes in the White Mountains by Robert N. Buchsbaum, Third Edition
60 of the most unforgettable day hikes in New Hampshire and Maine’s White Mountain National Forest, geared towards beginners and intermediate hikers.

Appalachia Winter/Spring 2021 (magazine)
Articles about the mountains during a pandemic.

Granite Outdoor Alliance
A network of businesses, organizations and individuals who support the N.H. outdoor economy.

Not Without Peril by Nicholas Howe, AMC
Book about hiking the Presidential Range and the perils that befall some.

The Unlikely Thru-Hiker by Derick Lugo, AMC
A book featuring the story of a young Black man setting off from the city to hike the Appalachian Trail.

Trail Finder
A free, interactive mapping site designed to help N.H. and VT residents and visitors find trails as well as local businesses through Trailside Services.

General Ecology & Forestry

Naturally Curious by Mary Holland
Natural history guide with high-quality photographs of the New England region.

N.H. Division of Forest and Lands
Lists of rare plants, wildlife, natural communities and forest action plans

Reading the Forested Landscape:  A Natural History of New England by Tom Wessels
A book about how to interpret the story of the woods that we walk through.

The Nature of New Hampshire by Dan Sperduto and Ben Kimball (Published by UNH Press, 2011).
A review of the natural communities of the Granite State.

YouTube Videos

Eastern White Pine: The Tree Rooted in History

Reading The Forested Landscape (Tom Wessels) Part 1:

Reading The Forested Landscape (Tom Wessels) Part 2:

Reading The Forested Landscape (Tom Wessels) Part 3:

The Lost Forests of New England - Eastern Old Growth

The Magic Maples of New England


Master Gardener Program Manager
Phone: 603-351-3831
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824