SF - Highbush Blueberry Small Fruit Study Materials [Private]

The Small Fruit (SF) is a private applicator commodity and is broken down into specialized topics. Highbush Blueberry Small Fruit is one of those topics.

This page contains the required manuals and factsheets for Highbush Blueberry Small Fruit (SF) private license applicants.

Study materials can be ordered in printed form, and are available online.

We are currently out of stock of the New England Small Fruit Pest Management Guide hard copy book. 

If you order this item through the storefront, we will send you the fact sheets associated with the category, along with the link to the online version.

Study Materials:

*Materials required for all private license trainings.

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Extension Field Specialist, Pesticide Safety Education
Phone: (603) 351-3831
Office: UNHCE Education Center, 88 Commercial Street, Manchester, NH 03101