Strawberry Production Guide For the Northeast, Midwest, and Eastern Canada: 2nd Edition



The second edition of the Strawberry Production Guide is available online and available as a free downloadable pdf and downloadable Microsoft Excel workbook.

This guide is intended as a comprehensive resource for both novice and experienced strawberry growers in northeastern North America. It provides information on all aspects of strawberry culture. The second edition has been updated and revised throughout, and includes expanded and new information on variety  selection (Ch. 3), production systems (Ch. 4), harvesting, handling and transportation (Ch. 12), marketing (Ch. 13) and budgeting/economics (Ch. 14). In addition, a new section on diagnosing problems in strawberry plantings has been added (Ch. 15).


Diagnostic Services Program Manager
Phone: (603) 862-3200
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Food & Agriculture, 312 Kendall Hall, Durham, NH 03824