Extension county foresters help residents and landowners learn about and care for New Hampshire's forests, trees, wildlife and habitats. Because they're usually in the woods, getting to know your county forester can be a challenge. That's why we've created "In the Woods": a series featuring interviews with Extension foresters. Get to know your county forester and then give them a call to join you on a walk in the woods.
Ray Berthiaume, Coös County
One part of Ray's occupation as a forester that he has enjoyed most is that of educator. It gives him a great deal of pleasure to share what he has learned and experienced with those who wish to know and understand.

Jim Frohn, Grafton County
Jim wants landowners to know that "no matter the condition or growth stage of your forest, as long as the land is allowed to grow into a forest, there are lots of opportunities to accomplish your goals."

Mike Gagnon, Hillsborough County
Mike gets excited and energized by all the landowners he gets to meet on a regular basis. He feels privileged to be invited to people's homes where he gets to "learn about them and their history with their land, which may be brief or span generations."

Greg Jordan, Rockingham County
Greg came to Extension because he wanted to have "kitchen table talks." That is, the chance to sit down with landowners and help them figure out what it is about their land that is important to them.
Dode Gladders, Sullivan County
Dode believes there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Foresters make management suggestions based on two main considerations -- what's there to work with and landowner goals. As long as management decisions are made deliberately with these two things in mind, you're unlikely to go wrong.