Relative to New Hampshire

Relative to New Hampshire
New Hampshire Statehouse

A Scientific Look at Legislation

Step into the classroom and listen in while UNH students explore the underlying aspects of current issues under consideration at New Hampshire's State House. They pick apart those issues and connect with experts. All to share  insights with listeners from our scientific community that enhance our understanding of the biological world right here in New Hampshire, home of the greatest democracy in the world.  


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  • sun in the trees

Light Health with Joanna Chiu, Ph.D.

UNH Sustainable Agriculture student, Allie Pisano, ’22, follows HB 85 relative to using Atlantic Standard Time in New Hampshire.  

After attending public hearings held by the NH House Committee on Executive Departments and Administration, UNH Sustainable Agriculture student, Allie Pisano, ’22, leads a conversation on how a potential change in time zone might affect day to day life in the northeast.   The group is joined by chronobiologist, Dr. Joanna Chiu, University of California, Davis, to discuss the dangers of daylight savings time and gives us some tips on improving our light health. 



  • teeth

Dental Health & Fluoride with Dr. Maggie Dylewski Begis

UNH Nutrition student, Max LaPointe ‘21, follows HB103-FN: establishing a dental benefit under the state Medicaid program and HB611-FN: abolishing fluoridation in water.

After attending public hearings held by the NH House Committee on Health, Human Services and Elderly Affairs and the House Committee on Resources, Recreation & Development, UNH Nutrition student, Max LaPointe ’21, leads a conversation on how dental health influences our overall health. 

Max interviews Dr. Maggie Dylewski Begis, Clinical Professor in UNH’s Agriculture, Nutrition and Food Systems and Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics. They discuss how to evaluate health information we read on the internet and try to figure out …what the deal is with fluoride?



  • composting kitchen waste

Compost with UNH Professor Emeritus, John Aber

UNH biology student, Patrick Kaplan ’20, follows HB 1704 relative to compost. 

UNH biology student (and solid waste management enthusiast), Patrick Kaplan ’20, covers the basics of composting. Patrick also shares his conversation with UNH’s Department of Natural Resources & the Environment, Dr. John Aber, who is not only a leader in sustainable agriculture but an expert in making the most of compost. 


Read essays on weather, climate and climate change at: 


  • solar panels in a field

Alternative Energy with Clayton Mitchell & Chris Skoglund

Discussing the factors that influence setting greenhouse gas emission reduction goals for New Hampshire and establishing a climate action plan. 

UNH Environmental Sustainability & Conservation student, Emily Thompson ’21, follows HB 172 establishing greenhouse gas emission reduction goals for the state and establishing a climate action plan. Emily interviews Clay Mitchell (UNH Department of Natural Resources & the Environment) Chris Skoglund (NH’s Department of Environmental Services) to gain some perspective on the feasibility of reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions in New Hampshire by 2050.  
