In November 2019, we posted an update about hemp production in NH in this blog, and promised additional updates as they become available. We have news.
There is now a legal pathway to grow industrial hemp in New Hampshire. On February 4, 2020, is was confirmed that New Hampshire would not have a State hemp program and that the USDA would accept applications from NH. New Hampshire is the first state from which the USDA has accepted applications for the Hemp Program. The authority to allow for this is written in the interim final rule published on October 31, 2019. The rule establishes a USDA plan to regulate industrial hemp production by producers in areas where industrial hemp production is legal to grow but is not covered by an approved state plan. To produce industrial hemp under the USDA plan, NH producers must apply for and be issued a license from the USDA before they begin production. As part of the application process, an FBI criminal history report must be included. In addition, approved growers are required to submit an acreage report with the Farm Service Agency (FSA).
Click here for further information about the USDA Domestic Hemp Production Program. Click on the side link, “Information for Producers” for grower specific information, including the application to obtain a USDA hemp production license. It is best to send specific questions regarding the hemp program and licensing directly to the USDA Hemp Program at farmbill.hemp@usda.gov.
As more information is available, we will share it through the Market Bulletin and UNH Extension.
Cheryl A. Smith, UNH Extension Professor and Plant Health Specialist; Director, UNH Plant Diagnostic Lab
Jennifer Z. Gornnert, Director, Division of Regulatory Services – NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food