We have recently updated the prices of the soil & tissue tests offered by UNH Extension. We continually work to keep the program as affordable as possible, with this being the first price increase in several years. The cost of a standard gardening test is $20 per sample. See table below for more information on the new price structure. While we work to keep the soil testing service cost effective, we must occassionaly make adjustments to cover the costs associated with the program. We appreciate your understanding during this transition, and hope you continue to find the testing service of value to you.
Please send any questions you may have about price increase to Shyloh.Favreau@unh.edu or Olivia.Saunders@unh.edu
UNH Soil Testing Program - Fees as of April 1, 2019
- Standard Gardening - $20.00
- Field Soil Test - $16.00
- Soil pH only - $8.00
- Texture class - $30.00
- Melich 3 Micronutrients - $8.00
- Heavy Metals - $70.00
- New High Tunnel Test - $20.00
- Established High Tunnel Test - $28.00
- Nitrate Nitrogen - $10.00
- Organic Landscape Recommendations - $20.00
- Standard Compost Feedstock Analysis - $50.00
- Standard Compost Extracted Macronutrients - $65.00
- Standard Compost, Total Nutrients - $80.00
- Biosolids test - $20.00
- Heavy Metals - $70.00
- Plant Tissue Test - $30.00