A lake


We had a great time on Zoom and in person at Hood Park in Derry, NH  for the 2021 Landscaping for Water Quality Workshop. Thank you to everyone who participated, spoke, and took time to contribute!

Find below the presentations from the two day workshop.

Assessing and Understanding Soil Characteristics
Olivia Saunders, UNH Extension, Fruit & Vegetable Production Field Specialist, Carroll County

Local Concerns, Regulations and Efforts
Panel of municipal representatives from surrounding cities and towns

Water Quality In and Around Derry
Craig Durrett, Environmental Coordinator, Town of Derry Public Works

Rain Garden Sizing, Installation and Maintenance
Lisa Loosigian, NH Department of Environmenal Services (NHDES), Soak Up the Rain NH Program Coordinator

Residential-Scale Stormwater Management Practices
Lisa Loosigian, NH Department of Environmenal Services (NHDES), Soak Up the Rain NH Program Coordinator

Water Quality Considerations in Landscaping
Deb Loiselle, Stormwater Coordinator, NHDES
Tom Swenson, NPDES Outreach and Education Coordinator, NHDES

Lawn Care Best Management Practices for Water Quality Protection
Dr. Karl Guillard, Professor of Agronomy, University of Connecticut

NH State Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act
Jay Aube, Environmental Permitting Specialist, TF Moran

Is There a Market for Water Quality -Oriented Landscaping Services?
Julia Peterson, NH Sea Grant and UNH Extension, Coastal Communities/Water Resources State Specialist

Water Resource Protection Principles and Strategies
Julia Peterson, NH Sea Grant and UNH Extension, Coastal Communities/Water Resources State Specialist



Coastal Communities/Water Resources State Specialist
Phone: (603) 862-6706
Office: NH Sea Grant Extension, New England Center 211, 15 Strafford Ave, Durham, NH 03824

Diagnostic Services Program Manager
Phone: (603) 862-3200
Office: UNH Cooperative Extension, Food & Agriculture, 312 Kendall Hall, Durham, NH 03824