UNH Extension staff are in the field every day, working with Granite State residents to make life better in New Hampshire. Because they’re so often on the go, getting to know our specialists and educators can be challenging. That’s why we’ve created In the Weeds, an ongoing series of interviews with Extension staff. Get to know the people behind our programs, discover new opportunities and pick up a few music recommendations along the way.

Name: Gabriela Bradt

Title: Fisheries Extension Specialist

Start Date at Extension: November 2011

Why did you choose your field of work?

Because I became enamored of the marine environment as a child and I hated physics, so I didn't go to med school.

Describe a memorable experience you have had in your career as an educator:

Recently, with my current work with green crabs, I have had several stories written about the project to raise awareness and interest. As a result, a woman contacted me and wanted to know more about the project and specifically where to find these crabs in N.H. Turns out she is a foodie, a great cook and loves to try out new things and ingredients. She and I have since started working together on developing recipes for green crabs and she has even designed her own crab trap, found good crabbing places and is now taking me crabbing and showing me how to trap 100 crabs in an hour! It's been very cool!

If you could only have one tool to do your job at Extension, what would it be?

My phone. I can do everything on my phone if I have to!

If you had to make a playlist to accompany your program, what five songs would you add first?

“Have a Nice Day,” Bon Jovi;

“Timber,” Pitbull;

“We Know the Way,” from the “Moana” soundtrack (Sorry, I've got kids!);

“Two Step,” Dave Matthews,

and “Under Pressure,” Queen and David Bowie.

If there was one thing you would want everyone to know about your field of expertise, what would it be?

As a fisheries person who is trying to get people to eat many different types of local seafood (seaweed, fish, invasive crabs), it is really important that people understand that the ocean offers so many options that are not just cod, salmon, shrimp and the seaweed salad you get at the grocery store. Also, if we want to keep our oceans productive, we need to diversify what we eat from them and appreciate all they have to offer.

How can people get in touch with you?

Through email or call my office, 603-862-2033!

Do you have any events coming up that you are excited about?

Right now I am doing monthly Great Green Crab Hunts and sampling New Hampshire beaches for microplastics (April-October).On Aug. 22 I will be doing a Know Your Fish dinner in collaboration with New Hampshire Community Seafood.

What Extension Program, outside of your program area, would we most likely be able to find you at or using in your free time?

Trail Finder! And I have been wanting to do the Master Gardner program – I just need some time!



Former Marketing & Communication Assistant Producer