Deerfield Fairgrounds
34 Stage Road
Deerfield, NH 03307
United States
Correctly calibrating a pump or backpack sprayer is a critical piece for any business risk management strategy. This hands-on workshop will provide learning opportunities for women in any agricultural sector- fruit and veggie production, green industry/landscaping, and livestock production. Instructors Rachel Maccini and Kyle Quigley will teach participants how to read pesticide/chemical labels, calculate correct formulations, and sprayer calibration methods to match desired application rates.
This offering is part of our Women in Agriculture program, offering support for women farmers in the areas of safety, farm efficiency, risk management, and profitability. This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021‐70027‐34693.
For those who are licensed, pesticide credits will offered.