High Tunnel behind the Grafton County Farmstand
3855 Dartmouth College Highway, Route 10
North Haverhill, NH 03774
United States
Join us this summer for a four-session series designed to help us all improve our skills dealing with common tunnel production issues. We have planted tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, and peppers so we can discuss these four crops specifically, but feel free to bring questions about other crops as well. We’ll figure out answers together!
All sessions are free and there is no required registration.
Join us for any one, or for all four, of our sessions!
2 PAT credits are available for each workshop.
Sessions in the Tunnel Twilight Series:
- Insect IPM, June 13 , 4-6pm - It’s not all pesticides, we will look at monitoring practices, habitat plants to lure beneficial predators, and much more. Our new State Specialist in Entomology and IPM, Amber Vinchesi-Vahl will join us to meet more of our local producers and to help us decide the best insect integrated pest management plan for our tunnels.
- Trellising and Ventilation, July 5, 4-6pm - This session will be hands on for anyone who would like to practice some common trellising plans. We will also discuss common tunnel ventilation challenges and how to solve them.
- Tissue Testing and Soil Fertility, July 19, 4-6pm - Are your plants not performing as you would like? Have you done a soil test or a tissue test? Come meet Renuka Mathur, our new State Specialist for Soil Health, and learn how this data can help you solve seemingly intractable problems!
- Disease ID and Management, August 23, 4-6pm - Dr. Bo Liu and Madeleine Hassett, our Plant Diagnostic Lab team, will join us to discuss how to identify and manage common tunnel disease issues. Feel free to bring samples of problem diseases from your farm – safely sealed in a zippered bag.

Contact Heather Bryant, heather.bryant@unh.edu, 603-787-6944 with any event questions and to request event accommodations. Given ample time, we will make any reasonable effort to make accommodations.