The nuts and bolts of farming as a business in New Hampshire
Get a jump-start on growing your agricultural business with this intensive multi-session course! Offering a wide variety of topics that will be applicable to any new farmer and sessions that build upon knowledge gained in previous sessions, this course is a great way to get up to speed quickly on the business and science of agriculture. Network with other new farmers, and work closely with Extension staff as you develop your business and productions ideas.
Course topics include soils and site assessment, agricultural regulations, enterprise selection, infrastructure considerations, marketing, insurance basics, and financial and production record-keeping. Participants will also learn about state agencies and other agriculture service providers in New Hampshire.
The 2023 course will be offered remotely and in-person. Dates and times for sessions are as follows:
- August 8: In-person, 6 to 7:30 pm | Location to be determined | Welcome and Introductions, Whole Farm Planning
- August 22: In-person (Optional), 9 am to 3 pm | Location to be determined | Site and Soil Evaluation, Farm Infrastructure
- September 5: Zoom Session, 6 to 7:30 pm | Production Records and Scheduling
- September 19: Zoom Session, 6 to 7:30 pm | Enterprise Budgeting & Cash Flow Budgets
- October 3: In-person (optional), 9 am to 3 pm | Location to be determined | Farm Tools & Equipment, Season Extension, Succession Plantings, Soil Health, Irrigation and Soil Moisture Management
- October 17: Zoom Session, 6 to 7:30 pm | Meet Agriculture Service Providers
- November 1: (Wednesday) Zoom Session, 6 to 7:30 pm | Financial Statements, Insurance Basics
- November 14: In-person (optional), 9 am to 3 pm | Location to be determined | Marketing: A Farmer's Perspective and Working with a Wholesale Buyer
Our in-person sessions are optional.
Technology needed for this course includes Internet access, the ability to participate in video conferencing sessions, word processing and spreadsheet software, and the ability to read pdf files. Please contact Kelly McAdam at or (603) 527-5475 at least 10 business days prior to the first session if any technology accommodations are needed .
Registration cost is $250 per person or $450 for two people from the same farm. A limited number of scholarships are available for those with financial need. Please contact Will Hastings for more information.
If special accommodations, including technology access, are needed to participate in the course, please contact Kelly McAdam at least 10 business days prior to the course start date.
$250 per person; $450 for two people from same farm
Course Expectations
Download the course expectations.
- Regularly attend sessions and participate in discussions and group activities. Please note that the in-person sessions are optional.
- Complete pre-session work prior to online or in-person sessions. Preparation work may include watching pre-recorded lectures, completing worksheets and reading materials as assigned by instructors.
- Participate in a small cohort with Extension team member and fellow participants with like-minded agricultural interest. This involves completing an assignment related to the topic for the week, discussion board conversation, and online discussions as desired.
- Please reach out to the team if you feel you cannot continue with the course. A pro-rated registration fee will be refunded to participants who do not continue with the course and give adequate notice to the course administrators. Please see the attendance policy in the full Course Expectations packet. Participants must make the request to drop the course if they wish to receive a pro-rated registration fee.