A woman in a white shirt addresses an audience in a classroom. The audience is visible in the foreground of the photo. She is smiling and holding her hand to her chest.

Kate Guerdat has been appointed as the NH 4-H State Leader.

As the NH 4-H State Leader, Guerdat will set the vision for the program and oversee its operations. She is the face of the program and the manager of the team. The role includes: serving as the state contact for national 4-H partners, such as USDA/NIFA, the headquarters for 4-H, and the 4-H Council, the national fundraising and branding arm of 4-H. Guerdat will also supervise all county 4-H program managers and volunteers, and will serve as the ex-officio director of the 4-H Foundation of NH. As state leader, she also oversees the use of the 4-H name and emblem in the state, thus deciding in a concrete sense what can and cannot be called 4-H in New Hampshire.

"This is a nationally-recognized title, a position of important leadership at UNH Extension and, most importantly, a much-needed and respected role for the NH 4-H community of staff, volunteers and families," said Mike Young, Extension's Youth and Family Program team leader. "I've held this role since 2011 and I am glad to see someone with Kate's energy, vision and competence take it on."

Guerdat joined UNH Extension in 2016. She received her doctorate in education from North Carolina State University in 2011. Guerdat previously served as the associate vice president of academic affairs at Manchester Community College in Manchester.

"As I transition into the 4-H Program Leader role, I am so very proud to be leading an organization that is constantly looking for ways to increase access and opportunity for all," Guerdat says. "I look forward to continuing to grow true leaders throughout New Hampshire and beyond as I work with an outstanding team of 4-H professionals and dedicated volunteers to expand opportunities for our youth members. We are living in a time when positive youth development organizations are expected to do more with less. As state leader, I plan to strengthen our community partnerships, combat societal challenges and grow the  resources available to New Hampshire youth and families, consistently making the best better."
