Rebecca Sideman
  • picture of vegetable guide

    2023-2024 New England Vegetable Management Guide

I’m delighted to announce that the newly updated New England Vegetable Management Guide is available – both online AND in hard copy. The online version is available in a fully interactive format, or as a free downloadable pdf

This resource is the result of a collaboration between Cooperative Extension systems of all the New England states, and is a valuable resource for any vegetable grower - this 350 page guide covers over 30 crops and tons of valuable information about cultural practices, transplant production, and integrated pest management.  Over 26 authors contributed to this edition of the guide, with important contributions from over 35 former contributors (including our own George Hamilton, who was inadvertently omitted from the list in the current printed guide).

Hard copies cost $40 each, plus $5 shipping if we need to mail it to you. To purchase a hard copy, please contact Becky Sideman (, 603-862-3203) or ask your county field specialist!