• a stack of firewood

In a letter sent to all New Hampshire towns, state entomologist Piera Siegert described how the state of New Hampshire has changed its focus to prevent the spread of emerald ash borer from regulations to best practices. As of October 1, the in-state quarantine on the movement of ash wood products (e.g., ash logs, chips, firewood) has been eliminated. The state is now encouraging actions by homeowners and the forestry industry that can help reduce the spread of EAB.

Town halls have been helpful in providing information to New Hampshire residents and visitors regarding EAB, and the state hopes they will continue to share resources. In her letter, the state entomologist shared three categories of information—including resources available to towns, homeowners and industry.

Wood Harvesting and Disposal

Find best management practices to reduce the spread of EAB through the movement and disposal of ash wood products:

Protecting High Value Ash Trees

Towns and homeowners are encouraged to be aware of EAB infestations in the state, inventory their ash trees, and be prepared to remove, replace or treat ash trees.


Insects—including invasive pests like EAB—and pathogens are moved in firewood. New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont each prohibit out-of-state firewood. The state encourages everyone to “buy it where you burn it” and limit the movement of firewood within the state.

We encourage homeowners, forest industry and towns to visit www.NHBugs.org to learn more information about EAB and other forest pests. You can also follow us on Facebook.