NH BioBlitz

Resource Category Topic
BioBlitzes Around The State
BioBlitz events that have been hosted by other organizations in NH!
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz Natural Resources
NH BioBlitz Guide Resources
Additional resources from the NH BioBlitz Guide including photos, templates and handouts.
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz Natural Resources
Download the NH BioBlitz Guide
The free guide makes it easier for groups and individuals to host a BioBlitz.
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz Natural Resources
Borrow the NH BioBlitz Kit
The NH BioBlitz Kit is available for communities to borrow from UNH Extension.
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz Natural Resources
2021 NH BioBlitz Results
In September 2021, UNH Extension sponsored a statewide BioBlitz to get community members outside exploring the species found on town-owned lands all o...
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz Natural Resources
Find Town Land in New Hampshire
In New Hampshire, we're lucky to have a lot of town-owned conservation land all across the state. But it can be challenging to find information a...
NH BioBlitz, Natural Resources Natural Resources
2021 NH BioBlitz: Guide to Using iNaturalist
These instructions will help you get started using iNaturalist and entering observations as part of the 2021 NH BioBlitz happening on town-owned lands...
NH BioBlitz, Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
Information for Communities: 2021 NH BioBlitz
What is the 2021 NH BioBlitz?<br /> <br /> In September 2021, UNH Extension is sponsoring a statewide BioBlitz to get community members outside expl...
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources
Participate in the 2021 NH BioBlitz
What is the NH BioBlitz?<br /> <br /> A BioBlitz is a species scavenger hunt where volunteers help find and record data on as many different wild li...
Natural Resources, NH BioBlitz, Citizen Science Projects Natural Resources