Nutrition Professional Development for School Teachers and Early Childhood Workers

Resource Category
Suggested Reading List of Nutrition and Physical Activity Themed Books for Grades K-3
Use this convenient list to find books related to nutrition and physical activity. Books are divided into categories which include fruits and vegetabl...
Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood, Health & Well-Being
CACFP Halftime: Thirty on Thursdays Training Webinars
Join Team Nutrition for monthly training webinars on hot topics related to the CACFP Meal Pattern requirements. Webinars are presented on the third Th...
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH, Nutrition and Wellness for Early Childhood
Suggested Reading List of Nutrition Books for Teachers
If Your Child Is Overweight: A Guide for Parents, Fourth Edition by Susan M. Kosharek, MS, RD. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2016.<br /> <br />...
Economic Development
Nutrition Topics
MyPlate<br /> <br /> MyPlate illustrates the five food groups that are building blocks for a healthy plate using a familiar image- a place setting f...
Health & Well-Being, Healthy Schools NH