FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Do I Need to Comply? [Online Tool]

UNH Cooperative Extension's FSMA team developed an online tool to help produce farms determine if they need comply with the Produce Safety Rule of FSMA.  It is based on a similar tool developed in Vermont.  Structured like a survey, it asks you a series of questions.  Based on your answers, the tool will tell you where you most likely fall under the rule.  It can also be used to predict how your compliance may change if you make changes to your business model. 

FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Do I Need to Comply? [online tool]

In addition to using this tool, we strongly recommend you also visit two other resources created to help producers determine where they fall under the Produce Safety Rule.  The three tools are meant to be used together.  If you do not receive the same answer from all three tools, please contact a member of the FSMA team.

FSMA Produce Safety Rule: Am I Covered? A short video that outlines the rule and helps growers answer the question, "Am I covered and what do I need to do if I am?"

Am I affected by new Food Safety Rules? A Flowchart for Farmers and Food Businesses: A flowchart, provided by the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, to help farms or food businesses determine whether and to what extent they might be impacted by FSMA rules.



Fruit & Vegetable Production Field Specialist
Extension Field Specialist, Fruit & Vegetable Production
Phone: (603) 787-6944
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824

Extension Field Specialist, Agricultural Business Management
Phone: (603) 863-9200
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824