How to Become a NH Coverts Volunteer

Each year, 25 landowners and conservation-minded New Hampshire residents gather with a team of natural resource professionals at a rustic camp. For three and a half days, participants learn about the latest concepts and issues in wildlife and forest ecology, habitat management, land conservation, and effective outreach. The NH Coverts Project is funded in part by NH Fish & Game Department, with support from UNH Cooperative Extension and the NH Division of Forests & Lands.

What does being a Coverts Volunteer mean?

In exchange for the training (meals, lodging, and materials are paid by program sponsors), participants agree to return to their communities and motivate others to become stewards of the state's wildlife and forest resources.

Over 400 people from throughout New Hampshire have completed the workshop and become NH Coverts volunteers since the beginning of the program in 1995. These volunteers have returned to their communities and hosted tours on their property, conserved land, presented wildlife programs in schools, joined conservation commissions, written articles for newspapers and magazines, staffed exhibits, initiated natural resource inventories, worked on community conservation projects, and much more.

Who should apply?

We are looking for landowners and other individuals committed to wildlife conservation and forest stewardship.  If you have time in your schedule for the training workshop, and approximately 40 hours of volunteer outreach during the coming year (it may be volunteer work you are already doing!), then we invite you to request an application. 

Past Coverts Cooperators have been landowners, conservation commission members, land trust staff. conservation group staff, teachers, naturalists, retired professionals, and more!

How do I apply for the NH  Coverts Workshop?

The 2025 NH Coverts Project training will take place in May 2025 in Greenfield, NH. To receive an application when they become available in January, fill out the form below.

Apply to the 2025 Workshop

Thank you for your interest in the NH Coverts Project! If you have any questions about program, please contact Haley Andreozzi at or 862-5327, or connect with your county forester. We look forward to hearing from you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Shared lodging at the Barbara C. Harris Center is provided in their standard cabins. All cabins are heated and fully winterized for year-round use and have five or six sets of bunk beds, a shared bathroom with two toilets, sinks, and showers. All participants will have access to a lower bunk. Guests provide their own bedding, towels, and toiletries.

Yes, if accepted to the workshop we will ask you about any dietary restrictions and let the Barbara C. Harris Center know about necessary accommodations in advance.

Participants should be able to commit to attending the entirety of the workshop. If you’re not able to attend the full training this year, we ask that you consider applying next year.

We will spend at least several hours each day on a field trip observing concepts related to wildlife ecology and habitat management in the field. We will mostly stay on trail and take frequent/long stops for discussions, but there will be some periods of walking uphill, going off trail in wooded settings, and walking through brush.

For persons with disabilities requiring special accommodations, please contact Haley Andreozzi ( with any questions. If accepted to the workshop and given ample time, we will make any reasonable effort to make accommodations. 
