Rockingham County 4-H Foundation

The goal of the Rockingham County 4-H Foundation is to further the youth development work of UNH Cooperative Extension in Rockingham County. Through the guidence of its volunteer board of youth and adult trustees, the Foundation strives to meet this goal by funding program development, funding scholarships to 4-H programs, providing scholarships for the continuing education of 4-H members, and sponsoring special awards and recognition programs. 

Recognition and awards for Rockingham County 4-H youth and volunteer leaders are supported by the fundraising efforts of the Foundation.

Rockingham County 4-H Scholarships

Continuing Education Scholarships are available to Rockingham County 4-H Members and Alumni. High school seniors and post-grads may apply.

Rockingham County 4-H Awards

Rockingham County 4-H youth members may be nominated for the Head, Heart, Hands, and Health Awards, or apply for 4-H project medals and Certificates of Continued Achievement.
