Wildflower Mixes for Trial in New Hampshire

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Thinking of planting a mixed wildflower meadow from seed?  Based on observations and trials in NH, we have formulated a basic mix for NH meadow plantings on medium to dry soils in full sun. This mix of wildflowers will support pollinators throughout the summer months, and provide habitat for birds and other wildlife throughout the year.

Unless you are mixing your own seed for planting a large area, you will probably purchase a wildflower seed mix that is already formulated. Look for a mix that contains most of the species listed.  Substitutions can be made depending on seed availability, budget, or personal preferences.

Download the fact sheet to get the seed list. Seeding rate is 10 - 20 lbs/acre or 0.5 lbs per 1000 square feet. Success with seeding depends on proper site preparation.

This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Hatch Multistate Project 1010449.



Nursery & Landscape Horticulture State Specialist Emeritus
Office: Cooperative Extension, Spaulding Hall Rm G36, Durham, NH 03824