You Just Finished the Master Gardener Class. Now What?

Congratulations!  You have finished the Master Gardener class and now you are an Intern. What does that mean?

Interns take the information they learned in the class and apply it to real life projects. After finishing the class, you will talk with the Master Gardener Coordinator about your experience so far and will give feedback about the class, anything else you would like to learn, and if the class was what you expected. You will also talk about your future with the program: what would you like to do after the class, is there a project you are currently interested in, have you signed up for your Education Center orientation yet.

At that point the Master Gardener Coordinator will match you up with a mentor. Typically, this mentor is project-based, but sometimes the mentor is interest-based. Your mentor will help guide you through the program for your first year.  They will check in with you weekly, make sure you know about Master Gardener events, how to report hours, how to start a project, or anything else you want to know. 

55 hours can go by quickly. Enjoy the time! Try out as many opportunities as you can. Spend as much time as you can at the Education Center; you will learn so much by being there! During your internship, travel is included in the 55 hours. So when you travel to a project or the Education Center, travel is included in your volunteer hours. You will report volunteer and travel time separately. The Master Gardener Coordinator will manually add travel to your volunteer hours to get your total amount of hours.

Other links that you might find helpful as you start out:

What projects are happening in each county

How to report your volunteer hours

Project Approval Form