
Resource Category Topic Type
NH 4-H Working Steer Manual
This is a guide to help support NH 4-H members partcipating in the NH 4-H Working Steer project.  The manual is free to download.   NH 4-H…
New Hampshire 4-H
Working Steer Project Fact Sheet
The 4-H Working Steer Project allows youth the opportunity to train a pair of steers (castrated males) to work together as a team. Oxen are not a…
New Hampshire 4-H
The Best Plants for NH Gardens and Landscapes [book]
The Best Plants for New Hampshire Gardens and Landscapes - How to Choose Annuals, Perennials, Small Trees & Shrubs to Thrive in Your Garden uses…
Agriculture & Gardens, Greenhouse, Nursery & Garden Centers, Landscape Installation & Maintenance Agriculture & Gardens
The History and Economics of the New Hampshire Dairy Industry [book]
If you need a gift for an agricultural person, consider The History and Economics of the New Hampshire Dairy Industry (2007), edited by John Porter…
Purchasing Top Soil [fact sheet]
Introduction  Topsoil. It's arguably one the most precious stuff on earth, sustaining all land-dwelling animals, including humans.  It…
Yard & Garden, Community Gardening
Pesky Winter Critters [fact sheet]
Introduction  When the snow finally melts in spring, many of us will discover mounds or ridges of soil in our lawns and damage to at least a…
Yard & Garden
Garden Mulches [fact sheet]
Introduction  A garden mulch is any material spread on the soil surface to modify the environment where the plant is growing. The materials…
Yard & Garden
Lead Screening for NH Soils: Minimizing Health Risks [fact sheet]
Lead is a naturally occurring element that is present in all soils at very low concentrations of less than 50 parts per million (ppm). Elevated…
Agriculture & Gardens, Soil Testing Services, Yard & Garden Agriculture & Gardens
Federal Tax Treatment of Timber Income & Expenses: Quick Reference for 2017 Tax Year
This quick reference guide is intended to help non-corporate users identify how timber income and expenses are commonly classified and the associated…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Directory of Licensed Foresters
The Directory of Licensed Foresters is an online database of foresters licensed in New Hampshire who provide services to private landowners and…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees, NH Coverts Project Natural Resources
Care of Flowering Gift Plants in the Home [fact sheet]
Introduction One of the nicest gifts one can give or receive is a flowering potted plant. Flowering plants are not just for holidays or for…
Yard & Garden
Estate Planning for N.H. Woodlot Owners
Planning what will happen after you are gone is the next critical step of being a good steward. In fact, it may be the most important step you can…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources Video
Forest Stewardship
What is Forest Stewardship? Taking the time to care for your land is called "stewardship"- the desire to leave the land better than you…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Research Report: Effects of Early Season Heating, Low Tunnels and Harvest Time Ginger Yields in NH, 2017
U.S. consumers are likely most familiar with the golden cured rhizomes of mature ginger (Zingiber officinale).  Growers in the northeastern U.S. have…
Agriculture & Gardens, Fruit & Vegetable Crops Research Report
Become a 4-H Volunteer in Cheshire County
Volunteers are the backbone of 4-H youth development. They provide the leadership and mentorship that is essential to 4-H. In 4-H there are lots…
4-H Babysitting Course
The 4-H Babysitting Course, currently being offered across NH, offers youth the opportunity to learn the basics of babysitting including topic areas…
New Hampshire 4-H
Extent of Prescribed Fire Use in New Hampshire
Prescribed fire is used for public safety (firefighter training and fuels reduction), agriculture, enhancing biodiversity, and forest and wildlife…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Prescribed Fire Council Meetings
Council meetings are held 2-3 times per year typically at the headquarters of the White Mountain National Forest in Campton or the headquarters of…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Prescribed Fire Council Working Groups
New Hampshire has a few Prescribed Fire Council Working Groups: The Standard Operating Procedures Working Group, the Training Certification and…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
New Hampshire Prescribed Fire Council - Resources
A list of prescribed fire resources including training and standards, best management practices and standard operating procedures, smoke management,…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources