
Resource Category Topic Type
Eligibility and Enrollment in New Hampshire's Current Use Taxation Program
A study conducted in 1994 and 1995, that examines current use around the state, and provides information on eligible land and minimum acreage…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Biodiversity Principles and Applications: Conference for Natural Resource Professionals in New Hampshire Summary
On January 17, 1995, the Natural Resource Network of New Hampshire with support from the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension and…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Exporting Hardwood Pulp Chips: Economic Impacts to New Hampshire
This report (published circa 1995) is based on research that estimates the economic gains to rural New Hampshire communities and the State from…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Forest Soil Site Selection Considerations for the Beneficial Application of Municipal Sludge and Wood Ash
Introduction Land application of clean municipal sludge (biosolids) offers potential benefits for some New Hampshire forest soils. These benefits…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
''Getting the Regeneration You Want'' Workshop Proceedings
These proceedings were prepared as a supplement to the workshops "Getting the Regeneration You Want" held in West Milan on October 27 and…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
White Pine Blister Rust Infection Incidence for Selected Areas of New Hampshire
This study’s main objective was to determine how the incidence of blister rust has changed since the mid-1900’s. Five separate regions of New…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Does Open Space Pay?
In 1996, the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension published Does Open Space Pay? a compilation of economic studies of Fremont, Deerfield…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Woodlot Boundary Line Marking
One of the most common recommendations foresters make to forest landowners has little to do with the management of their trees. Although most…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Northeastern Forest Regeneration Handbook - A Guide for Forest Owners, Harvesting Practitioners, and Public Officials
Introduction This handbook has been prepared to help readers develop an appreciation of how northeastern forests develop and an understanding of…
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Landscape Trees and Their Susceptibility to Invasive Insects
In recent years several exotic insects have either entered NH or are nearby on our doorsteps  Native plants have no natural defenses against…
Agriculture & Gardens, Landscape Installation & Maintenance, Natural Resources, Forest & Trees, NH Bugs Agriculture & Gardens, Natural Resources
Owning A Piece of the Forest [pamphlet]
A Primer for Current and Prospective New Hampshire Landowners
Forest & Trees, Natural Resources Natural Resources
Landowner Goals Assessment Form (long version)
This form is intended to be used by forest landowners who want to develop a forest stewardship plan. Filling out this form will help clarify your…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources
Landowner Goals and Objectives (short version)
This form is intended to be used by forest landowners who want to develop a forest stewardship plan. Your forest stewardship plan considers the…
Natural Resources, Forest & Trees Natural Resources