UNH Extension reaches the stars now that John Giaforte joins as a state specialist in the Youth and Family Program. In addition to new Extension duties, Gianforte will continue his work as the director of the UNH Observatory and an instructor in the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences.
In Extension, Gianforte will develop and conduct space-oriented programs for volunteers, educators and youth. He will also teach a professional development course through UNH Professional Development and Training.
Gianforte has been part of the astronomy scene for more than 30 years and has worked with New Hampshire Public Radio, New Hampshire Public Television, The Weather Channel , the Christa McAulife-Shepard Discover Center in Concord and the Town of Durham — where he is the Parks and Recreation Astronomer who leads monthly night sky excursions for residents.
“Having John join our team is phenomenal” says program leader Mike Young. “It is exciting to think how his knowledge and enthusiasm will enrich our 4-H and educator development programming. Everyone I have talked to who has worked with John raves about his inspiring energy and creativity.”