UNH Cooperative Extension will host a new 5-week online version of the NH Invasives Academy workshop between March 4 and April 8, 2021.

*This workshop has filled. 

Non-native invasive plants pose a serious threat to New Hampshire's natural environment. UNH Extension aims to increase awareness, collaboration, and capacity to deal with the invasive plant threat by hosting the third annual New Hampshire Invasives Academy in a new, online-only format March 4 - April 8, 2021.

During the 5-week online course, up to 40 attendees will have the opportunity to view presentations, read articles, engage with experts and each other, and attend virtual (video) field trips covering ecological considerations and management strategies for invasive plants in New Hampshire. Online instruction for the Academy will be provided by a diverse group of agency, academic, non-profit, and private industry partners (see agenda below). Attendees will learn tools and techniques to improve their management plans and activities.

The New Hampshire Invasives Academy is designed for those with a strong interest and some experience in natural resources stewardship, including foresters, land trust staff, natural resource professionals, municipal staff, private landowners, and active community volunteers. Interested participants are encouraged to complete a short application to reserve a spot in the Academy. Continuing education credits (CEUs) will be available for natural resource professionals, including SAF Category 1 CFE credits (number of credit pending). No prior experience with online learning is necessary to participate. 

In exchange for the 5-week training course, participants agree to return to their communities and contribute 20 hours of time, sharing information learned at the Academy with landowners, colleagues, clients or other members of their community. A $35 registration fee covers participation in the course, with scholarships available.

The New Hampshire Invasives Academy is underwritten by program sponsors, including UNH Cooperative Extension, the USDA Forest Service and other collaborating organizations.

Applications received after February 1, 2021 will be reviewed on a rolling basis until March 1. Acceptance will be based on applicants' interest and ability to use and share lessons from the Academy with others.

This workshop is full. 

Agenda - NH Invasives Academy Online

Online platform: UNH MyCourses (powered by Canvas) - no prior experience necessary, but adequate internet connectivity is necessary; training and support will be provided on use of software used for online learning (no experience with online learning expected).

The Academy will include units delivered weekly for five weeks. Students can engage in much of the course content at their own pace, on their own schedule with the exception of a weekly live Zoom session. Each week work will contain 3-4 hours of content, including:

  • At least one recorded presentation or video on unit topic by guest experts
  • Discussion board assignments to explore unit details and connect with other attendees
  • Live session with experts with questions and discussion opportunities. Live session attendance is required. They will be on Thursdays from 4:00 – 5:30pm on March 4 (optional), March 11, March 18, March 25, April 1, April 8.

Thursday, March 4, 2021  - Start of NH Invasives Acadmey
Optional Orientation to MyCourses: Zoom Session, Thursday, March 4, 4-5:00 pm - UNH Extension Instructors

Week 1 (March 4 - 11):  Invasive Plant Ecology & Course Introductions
Live Zoom Session, Thursday, March 11, 4 - 5:30 p.m. with Dr. Tom Lee, UNH Dept. of Natural Resources Emeritis 

Week 2 (March 12 - 18):  Getting to Know New Hampshire's Invasive Plants
Live Zoom Session, Thursday, March 18, 4 - 5:30 p.m. with Malin Clyde, Rebecca DiGirolomo, Michael Gagnon, UNH Extension

Week 3 (March 19 - 25): Introduction to Invasive Plant Management
Live Zoom Session, Thursday, March 25, 4 - 5:30 p.m. with Haley Andreozzi, Steve Roberge, Rebecca DiGirolomo, UNH Extension

Week 4 (March 26 - April 1): Invasive Plant Management Options
Live Zoom Session, Thursday, April 1, 4 - 5:30 p.m. with Jeff Taylor, Vegetation Control Services and Ellen Snyder, Ibis Wildlife Consulting

Week 5 (April 2 - 8): Education, Outreach and Developing Your Action Plan
Live Zoom Session, Thursday, April 8, 4 - 5:30 p.m. with Malin Clyde, Haley Andreozzi, UNH Extension and past graduates of the NH Invasive Academy 


Extension State Specialist, Community Volunteers
Phone: (603) 862-2166
Office: Cooperative Extension, Nesmith Hall, Durham, NH 03824