
The phenomenon of inosculation occurs when two individual trees growing in close proximity become joined. Learn More
Harvest practices may influence how well some perennial forage legumes recover
Severe droughts, like the one experienced in 2020, are likely to become more frequent in the future. Results from this study suggest that harvest prac... Learn More
Extension specialist Jonathan Ebba answers real questions from gardeners about home hydroponics
Extension specialist Jonathan Ebba answers real questions from gardeners about home hydroponics Learn More
I would like to introduce you to the newest CRV member, Gracie Ballou, our Coastal Ecosystem Education Coordinator! We are so excited to be working al... Learn More
Cost-saving measures and good practices that address crop needs
Cost-saving measures; they’re good practices that addresses crop needs (and environmental quality) that make sense whether fertilizer is in the $1000 ... Learn More
New Hampshire and Maine Farmers benefit from individualized assistance
New Hampshire and Maine Cooperative Extensions team up to provided individualized assistance to fruit and vegetable farmers to do farm food safety pla... Learn More
A couple of weeks ago, UNH Extension partnered with the Piscataquog Land Conservancy (PLC) and the Brookline, NH Conservation Commission and to host a... Learn More
Emma and Nate discuss planning a home fruit tree orchard, from selecting and preparing your orchard site to choosing varieties, planting and care of young trees.
Emma and Nate discuss planning a home fruit tree orchard, from selecting and preparing your orchard site to choosing varieties, planting and care of y... Learn More
Hit the trail and get a healthy start to a new year
Hit the trail and get a healthy start to 2019 Learn More
Research shows that rural communities in New Hampshire are innovating
Extension specialists have contributed to a new book called Building Rural Community Resilience Through Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Learn More