Head of the Class
One of the ways the UNH Extension Health & Well-Being team works with schools is through policy, systems, and environmental (PSE) change interventions. These multilevel interventions are meant to improve the health and well being of the school community by working to make healthy choices easier and more accessible. Learn more about our current PSE efforts below.

School Wellness Policy
Wellness Policy Tools:
- Receive Technical Assistance to better your school wellness policy and increase the health of your students, staff and community
- Local Wellness Policy Checklist
- Triennial Assessment
- Example Wellness Policy
- Websites and handouts for school wellness

Local Food Initiatives
- Farm to School
- Since 2003, NH Farm to School (NHFTS) has been working to establish farm-to-school connections within communities across the Granite State. We collaborate with the NH Farm to School effort to broaden impact and advocate for nutrition and the importance of supporting NH farms.
- NH Harvest of the Month
- NH Harvest of the Month (HOM) is a farm-to-school campaign that provides ready to go materials for the classroom, cafeteria, and community that promotes the use of local, seasonal foods.
Technical Assistance for Schools
Get What You Need
Indicate what area of technical assistance you need and we will
work with you to start the process. Provide your contact information
and a staff person will get back to you soon.