Larry Clow is the newest member of Extension’s marketing and communications team.

Larry Clow

Larry Clow joined the Marcom team in early August as a production editor responsible for facilitating written content in Extension that is consistent with our reputation as a leading source of trusted,  research-based information.  His primary duties include editorial support for staff, story creation for strategic inititatives, website editing and enewsletter management for the organization.  

Larry’s background is in journalism and writing. He received his MFA in nonfiction writing from UNH in 2012 and was a long-time freelancer for UNH, a writing instructor, an editor for two Portsmouth-based weekly paper and a staff writer at Foster’s Daily Democrat. He is a New Hampshire native who is an avid tea-drinker, novice birder and an occasional nerd-trivia champion.

“I could not be happier to have such a skilled and consciencous editor on the team” says Marcom manager Dave Kellam. "Not only does Larry have a great handle on tone and grammar, but he is a really nice guy who cares about producing quality work that enages people.  He is perfect for Extension." 


Larry's office is Nesmith 213 and he can be reached at,  603-862-5506.


Marketing & Communications, Director
Phone: (603) 862-5467
Office: Marketing, Cooperative Extension Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824