The 2018 meeting of the NH Vegetable and Berry Growers' Association was co-sponsored by UNH Cooperative Extension, and took place in Manchester during the annual N.H. Farm & Forest Expo.
The presentations from the workshop are now available:
- FSMA update: What's happening, and when - Mary Choate and Seth Wilner, UNH Extension
- Biopesticides & Reduced-Risk Fungicides: What are they, and how well do they work? - Meg McGrath, Cornell University
- Our experiences with biocontrols in greenhouses and tunnels - Brett McKenzie, McKenzie's Farm, Milton NH
- UNH vegetable & fruit research update - Becky Sideman, UNH Extension
- What's new in major diseases of vegetable crops - Meg McGrath, Cornell University
- Exploring organic strawberry production systems at Joe's Brook Farm - Eric Skovsted, St. Johnsbury VT
- A 40-year perspective on vegetable pest management - Alan Eaton, UNH Extension emeritus