A partnership with Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter creates memorable meals

Slow Cooker Program at Nashua Soup Kitchen

A slow cooker education program is helping Nashua-area residents make memorable meals of their own at home.

The Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter and UNH Cooperative Extension’s Nutrition Connections program recently partnered for an educational program for food pantry clients about using slow cookers to prepare healthy meals at home.

Patria, Aurora, Yuri, Alba and Veneranda (pictured above) were the first group of adults who completed a series of lessons on nutrition, food preparation, food safety, basic knife skills and preparing slow cooker meals. During the sessions, participants sliced, diced and prepared  ingredients from the Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter to take home and used them to replicate slow cooker recipes to share with families and friends. Participants received brand new slow cookers after completing the program. 

UNH Extension teacher Awilda Muniz, who is leading this nutrition education and slow cooker program, said, “I am very thankful to all those in the Nashua community who donated slow cookers, and to Michael Reinke, director of the Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter, Shane Sullivan, the food pantry manager, and Olga Cruz of client services for their support in making this possible.” 

The program was very well received and there are plans for another program later in the summer. For additional information about the Nashua Soup Kitchen & Shelter, or how you can make a difference, contact them today.



Nutrition Connections Teacher
Health & Well-Being Teacher
Phone: (603) 641-6060
Office: Cooperative Extension, Taylor Hall, Durham, NH 03824